Custom Printed Tape

For those who truly want to personalize everything, I give you custom tape.  You may think it looks a little strange, but Tiffany & Co. uses it to hold their also-personalized tissue in place.  And what’s good enough for Tiffanys is good enough for me.

Image courtesy of Packaging Price dot com

For the DIY inclined, you can do this on your own with full-page inkjet labels (I prefer clear, to give the look of Scotch tape), a corner rounder, and a sharp paper trimmer.  Simply create a template using a table in Word with your logo, monogram, or name, repeated as much as the page allows.  Be careful to record your table measurements, because you will want to trim it down to size but do not want to print the cell borders.  Simply print and cut, and I personally like to round the corners for a little bit of a special touch.  Voila!  The perfect way to put your own spin on packaging. 
