It’s a crazy day in the real world everyone!
I’ve been doing some searching for out of town basket photos, because it’s definitely a project I’m going to undertake. These are such a great idea and so easy and inexpensive to DIY. Anne did her own gorgeous baskets for around $2.50 each and they were a hit!
Here are my favorite little baskets that I have found – I love the coordination of the green ribbon with the contents and the simple but elegant presentation.
Image via Mimi and Karl
Also adorable are these two whose contents are placed in tins. Love the decoupaged postcards used on the blue basket!
Via Market on Market and Brides
Inexpensive food packaging is a fantastic option to use for your basket. These utilize gable boxes and even Chinese take-out containers! Don’t forget to add a fun and easy custom [intlink id=”125″]label[/intlink] to your finished product.
Via Burlington Bride, Melissa & Sean, Bliss Wedding Market
Mrs. Onion of Weddingbee shows us the contents of her OOTs – hers were also less than $3 per bag. And look at the fun items her guests received! Including the nuts wrapped with twine was a great touch.
Are you preparing any goodies for your OOT guests?