I thought you might enjoy a little snippet of my planning status, since weekends basically consist of me and my DIY projects!
Anne and I went through my to-do list yesterday and realized that there are 44 DIY projects in total, and here is the status:
- 3 are 100% complete
- 7 have partial completion percentages
That leaves a whopping 34 TO GO (plus the 7 partials)! And guess how many weeks I have left minus vacations and holidays, etc? 35. After the slight freak-out (OK maybe not so slight, it’s a good thing I work well under pressure), we assigned priorities, responsibilities, and timings to each project. We also determined that I can’t keep adding to the list, but then we broke that rule immediately, so who knows if it will be enforced. :)
Since you know by now that I won’t feature things until my guests have already seen them, I can’t give you a clue-in on all of the projects. But some of the big items on the list are:
- Invitations (partial DIY completion, complete DIY design)
- Favors
- Guest book
- Programs
- Menus
- OOT baskets
Obviously I need to get a move on. As I look around, I see snippets of three separate projects within arm’s reach, so hopefully this is the kick in the butt I needed to get moving!
In other news, I will be in Atlanta next weekend to do the big walk-through of my space. I’m so excited about this. My planner, caterer, florist, DJ, audio-visual company, and lighting company will be there so hopefully we will finalize a large percentage of the details of the event’s look and feel. It’s going to be so fun to see something come together in everyone’s minds – even though there’s a ways to go it feels like it’s creeping up faster and faster so getting all of my vendors on the same page is essential. All of my musicians have also been booked. There’s still the lagging question of what to do about an [intlink id=”540″]officiant[/intlink]. And the other event venues are booked but no details have been finalized. But at least on the logistics side I’m feeling pretty good about things.
A *lot* of you have dates before my own – are you stressing? What’s at the top of your to-do list? Tell me I’m not alone!
Image courtesy of the BBC. {It isn’t me, but it very well could be!}