Don’t be afraid to be different

Hi everyone!  Happy Friday!

I apologize in advance for the lack of pretty pictures in this post, but you know those weeks that are so hectic and just seem to fly by??  I swear yesterday was Tuesday…..

But this does give me an opportunity to blog about something that gives me inspiration and sometimes bolsters my confidence.  Don’t be afraid to be different!  It’s something that a friend told me a while back (way before I even met my fiancee!), and I think it’s a great attitude to have about many things in life.  What makes you different is what makes you special.  So rather than trying to conform to something that just isn’t you, go with your gut an be yourself.  Whether it’s fashion, music, your taste in men, or weddings, most people are happiest when they are genuine to themselves.  I also happen to think that when people aren’t afraid to be different that’s when some of the most interesting and memorable moments happen.

Now just to be clear, I am not saying that you have to be totally different from all others and totally buck tradition!  Just be true to yourself.  Many of the incredible details from weddings that we see here on EAD are incredible because they’re a little different, there’s something that sets them apart.  They’re personal and special to the person that chose them. 

I’d love to say that everything I’ve chosen for my wedding so far is personal and special and I came up with it all on my own…. but I can’t.  There’s only so many ways you can do a candlescape or arrange tables and chairs!  But many of the ideas that I’ve “borrowed” from other brides are things that fit my fiancee and I.   And we’ve chosen things like the type of music we’re playing and our colors based on what we love.  Many times while trying to sort through all my options and choices for the wedding, I’ve reminded myself “Don’t afraid to be different! Don’t be afraid to stand out!”  I’ve wrestled with some decisions, going back and forth and changing my mind on things while other decisions have been easy.  But in the end, I’ve tried to stay true to myself.

Okay, next week I promise some pretty pictures!!  Hope you have a great weekend!