Progress Update

Quite a few of you have asked for a progress report on my vow renewal!  You guys are so sweet to be interested.  :)  So I’ll oblige.  We are T-6 months until the big day!  I cannot believe it – when I started planning I had 19 months to go and now here I am.  Time passes so quickly when you are having fun!

Pretty much all of the big decisions are done, which is a big load off of my plate.  The last little bit the planner is working on, things like the catering tent and the final rental proposals.  Now are down to final logistics and all of the remaining projects.  A while ago, I told you that I had [intlink id=”1155″ type=”post”]44 projects[/intlink] on my list.  Well, that number has grown to 47, with some additions and subtractions thrown in.  But the good news is that I have completed 17 of them.  And many of them are in process.  So my completion percentage is going in the right direction!  There are two or three BIG ones left, such as the programs, the OOT baskets, and the favors.  But by and large, the rest are small, two hours here and there, kind of projects.

So I feel pretty great lately about things and I really can’t wait to show you things!!!  But alas, there are lurkers so we will all have to be patient.  Here’s a tiny peek for you, though – sorry it’s not much. :)

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!