Basics of Skincare

Taking care of your skin should not be optional. If you never plan a big party, if you never marry, if you never see anyone else in your lifetime, great skincare is vital to your body’s health. Your skin will reveal every health problem you experience.

So how do you take care of it on a surface level? Here are some suggestions, based on our own experience:

  • Wash your face every morning and evening with a high quality face wash. DO NOT USE SOAP. Especially if you are over 30. It is entirely too harsh! My personal favorite is the Gel Cleanser made by NuSkin. It is perfect for combination. I have been using this cleanser for six years, and have found nothing else that compares in quality. The price ($22 with shipping) may be high, but the bottle lasts five to six months.

  • Exfoliate at least once a week. Don’t think of this as an “extra.” Your face really needs it to keep shiny and fresh
  • Moisturize with a product made specifically for your skin. Make sure it contains a minimum of SPF 15 in it. Apply SPF to your hands each morning! They will show your age before anything else. Moisturizing and using sunscreen is the most important step. Skin that is unprotected will be very unhappy when you are 60 (sun damage = wrinkles).
  • If you have problems with acne, go to a dermatologist. They’re worth every penny you’ll spend on them. While you’re there, have them check any moles that look suspicious! Good skin care doesn’t just take care of your face.
  • Avoid heavy makeup! Your face looks beautiful without it. Trust us on this.
  • Drink water and lots of it. Your entire body benefits from H2O, but your skin reaps the most benefits. It keeps your skin (brain, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, toenails…) clear and happy.
  • Work out regularly. Think of it as a sweat lodge for your skin. Your body heats up, and all the gunk that is in your skin sweats itself out.
  • Get enough sleep. Your skin reveals when you are tired. So does your attitude!

While writing this, I realized that I’ve slacked off on the working out. Forgetting how vital it is for a happy body and mind. I’m hoping this week will motivate us as we motivate you!

What skincare tips do you have?  Please share!
