Hey all! Remember a little while ago I took a little vote on the wreath I should make for my brunch door? Well, with your help I chose the tissue paper wreath, and here’s the result of the escapade!
{author’s personal collection}
All of my inspiration came from Amanda’s awesome tissue paper pomanders. On her advice, I purchased tangerine and goldenrod tissues from Nashville Wraps. To make the wreath, you’ll need the tissue, along with:
* a styrofoam wreath form
* 2mm monofilament
* 22 gauge wire
* a hot glue gun
* an upholstery needle
* wire cutters
- Using Martha’s guide here, cut your tissue into 10×5 rectangles.
- Accordion fold the shorter side, approximately 3/8″ – 1/2″ per fold.
- Fold the wire over the middle and twist.
- Cut wire approximately 1/2″ from edge.
- Round the corners of the tissue paper.
- Begin pulling the layers away from each other and toward the middle of the wire. Don’t be afraid to scrunch the tissue – once I began pulling a little harder and scrunching the tissue closer together, the “flowers” became prettier!
Using an upholstery needle, poke a hole in the styrofoam wreath. Dab hot glue onto the wire end and place in the hole. Repeat (and repeat, and repeat)… You’ll want the flowers very close together. I think we used over 200 little flowers on the wreath!
Here’s a little closeup.
{author’s personal collection}
For the hanger, I tied and knotted a piece of monofilament around the styrofoam, then tied another loop of monofilament around the first loop. I did this when I was about halfway done with the flowers.
You can also make pomanders, as Amanda did, using exactly the same method:
What do you think?