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DIY Weddings: Cindy + Janice

Kelly Oshiro sent over details from Cindy and Janice’s seashell-themed wedding, which was full of awesome DIY!  Kelly created much of the decor herself – it looks unbelievably good and everything was very budget-friendly.

First up, the seashell centerpieces.

DIY seashell wedding
{All photos by the talented Katie Moos}

To create these works of art, you will need:

* Plastic pot liners.  Kelly purchased hers for $4 each from Moskatels in downtown LA.
* Seashells – a great source for these is Jamali Garden.  These centerpieces are made from the rose clam shells.
* A hot glue gun
* Rocks, sea glass, floral to accent – anything goes!
* LED lights for some sparkle


* Hot glue seashells onto the pot liners and fill with the rocks, sea glass, floral, shells, etc.
* Underneath the seashells, tuck in LED lights for glow
* Cover the plastic edge of the pot liners with rows of shells

The finished product!

DIY seashell wedding

DIY seashell wedding

Another DIY detail was the seashell letters on the cake table.  Kelly created these in much the same way, using styrofoam letters from Moskatels, the same seashells from Jamali Garden, and hot glue.

DIY seashell wedding

More beautiful seashell details:

DIY seashell wedding

DIY seashell wedding

DIY seashell weddingDIY seashell wedding

The event was held in a beautiful park.

DIY seashell wedding

DIY seashell wedding

Cindy and Janice had some little ones at their ceremony, so they provided lots of entertainment, including an inflatable play place and coloring books.

DIY seashell weddingDIY seashell wedding

Kelly, thank you so much for sharing this awesome wedding with us!  We love all of the DIY details and the personal touches!


* All photos in this post credit to Katie Moos.