Our vow renewal festivities begin in a mere 11 days, and therefore, I’m in the final throes of planning, tying up loose ends, and I’ll be traveling soon. But there’s one very important thing I need to do before I leave, and that is to thank all of you.
Thank you for reading EAD.
Thank you for your comments, emails, cards, and words of wisdom.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for your patience as we have juggled everything.
Thank you for being a constant source of inspiration.
Thank you for being a part of my life.
We’ll be doing a series of “Favorites” here over the next couple of weeks, which was really amazing to pull together. It’s been a fabulous year, and looking back at everything we have featured was so rewarding! I continue to be dazzled by the quality of talent in the wedding world, the ingenuity and creativity of all of the brides, and the partnership that A and I have. It keeps me inspired each and every day.
In the new year, we’ll be back and better than ever, with all of the details from my vow renewal, tons of real weddings, lots of inspiration boards, and some new EAD projects that we are really excited about launching.
Happy Holidays and thank you from the bottom of my heart.