We purchased little suitcase boxes to serve as bathroom baskets. Those of you who are like me probably won’t want to hear this, but I don’t think our guests used much of anything in our baskets! That being said, it did make me feel better to know that if someone needed a bandaid or contact solution that it was there. And obviously the nice thing about all of the items you’ll include is that you can use them yourself afterwards.
{Image via Jenna}
Here are the lists of what we included in each rooms’ baskets:
- Small packages of Kleenex
- Cough drops
- Bandaids
- Combs
- Advil
- Pepcid
- Benadryl Allergy
- Chap sticks
- Contact solution
- Lint roller
- Dental floss
- Small deoderants
- Dental floss
- Hair spray
- Hand Lotion
- Tampons
- Nail file
- Bobby pins
- Safety pins
- Tide to go pen
- Advil
- Pepcid
- Benadryl Allergy
- Shoe shine cloths
- Nail clipper
- Cough drops
- Bandaids
- Small packages of Kleenex
- Dental floss
- Contact solution
- Lint roller
{Image via Jenna}
Are you setting out bathroom baskets at your venue?