Ladies’ Luncheon Part II

[intlink id=”15215″ type=”post”]Part I[/intlink]

I put together a little thank you for each of my bridal shower hostesses. They wouldn’t let me help with anything at all, so I went shopping.


Each bag had Philosophy Red Velvet Cake shower gel, pink pomegranate soap, and two fancy chocolate bars. I wrote a note on paper left over from printing wedding invitations: Thank you for the sweet shower… Enjoy these sweets with your next shower!


I know, not original. And cheesy. But like I’m always saying while shamelessly copying, the classics are the classics for a reason. Also, I think I’m addicted to lining envelopes. Is there a support group for this?

One of my shower gifts was so sweet and creative that I had to share.


On a stack of recipe cards that match my kitchen (it’s the details, right?) were handwritten recipes along with stories of their significance.

“The Best Chocolate Cake” was an office treat – and surprise, low in fat! “First Dinner Apple Pie with Cheddar Cheese Crust” was dessert for the first dinner she cooked for her husband while they were dating. “Monk Bread” was a family favorite, from a monastery in New Mexico. “Crazy Conductor Cappucino Brownies” carry fond memories of a choral conductor. “Grandma’s Sugar + Spice Cookies” look very much like my Grandma Julia’s molasses cookie recipe – I will have to compare them side by side.

It’s a sweet idea. A little ::something borrowed:: for my kitchen!