And sadly it’s not the good kind of dream… Last night I had my first wedding-related freak out dream. You know, the one where you somehow find yourself at your wedding and you hadn’t finished planning everything (so people are wandering around aimlessly wondering why in the world you don’t have escort cards), your hair and make-up are not done, it’s the first dance and you can’t find the groom anywhere so you dance with your mom? Yea, that one.
I can remember having similar dreams at other “big event” times in my life (prom, graduation, first day at a “real” job), but they were always a lot closer to the actual big event. So needless to say, I’m a little worried because I don’t really feel too stressed about the wedding yet… what happens when I’m two weeks away and actually starting to freak out in real life?!
My wedding is a little over two months away, so I need some tips on how to not start freaking out just yet (even if it is just subconciously). Anyone have any words of wisdom out there? I would be particularly happy to hear any that involve massages or things of that nature…