Two tickets to…undecided location?

This recent New York Times article, 100 Hotels Under $150 by Stuart Emmrich, reminded me that we have yet to decide on what to do about a honeymoon.

[Side note: You should check out the New York Times piece if you’re going to Europe on a budget. It lists hotels under $150 in a variety of cities, including London, Florence, Edinburgh, Lisbon, Rome and many others. A great resource for travelers!]

We both love to travel, explore new places, experience new cultures, and eat a lot of food that is foreign to us (but really yummy.)  We have been to Europe (London, Paris, Rome, Florence, Amsterdam, Rotterdam,) and Asia (Bangkok and Hong Kong) which leaves a lot of places to be visited! We’re basically treating our honeymoon as an excuse to visit someplace we have never been to before.

There are a couple of issues halting my research (and I LOVE to research, especially when it comes to places I have yet to visit.) One of the issues we are having is when to have this fantabulous vacation. With me having to work and go to school, and him having to…well, work and go to school, you can imagine that time is a bit difficult to coordinate.


[Our vacation to Paris a few years ago]

The second problem is that we’ll be having a Chinese banquet a week after our San Diego wedding, so that rules out skipping town for any extended period of time.

That means that we are most likely waiting to have this trip, I just don’t know until when and I don’t know how with our schedules, but we’ll be waiting.

I’m honestly a little scared that time will pass and I’ll randomly remember 2 years later–oh yeah. We never took a honeymoon.

Two questions:

1. Are you planning to wait to take your big trip, and if so, how long are you waiting? Months? A year?

2. If you were in my shoes, knowing the places we have traveled to together, where would you go?