Whew! To say that I’ve been overwhelmed recently is a bit of an understatement. A quick update of the last month:
- I’m a week overdue of sending out our Save the Dates…waiting for FMIL to send me addresses for her guest list
- On the same note, had a bit of a falling out with FMIL about the guest list…
- I asked 2 out of 4 of my bridal party
- Scheduled appointments with potential hair/makeup artists
- Scheduled appointments with potential florists
- Sent several emails to our potential Day-of Coordinator…only a few of them she actually responded to
- (Finally) Scheduled an appointment with our Day-of Coordinator
But the biggest reason for being away from the blog world for a while…
-We got a puppy!
Our Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy, Nala, at 3 months!
But, within this last month we also hit the 6 MONTH MARK!!! So, the majority of my wedding planning time within the last month has been put into creating different inspiration boards (if you can even call them that…maybe more like idea boards) for different elements of our wedding. Remember how I was freaking out about exactly what our wedding was going to look like? Yeah. So I decided to make a few boards to help keep all the ideas together. Here is the most recent overall idea board:
Clockwise from top:
- I love ribbons (photo by Millie Holloman Photography via Style Me Pretty)! Want to do ribbon wands as we recess from the church.
- I really like the idea of having more than one element to the centerpieces. This centerpiece via Erin Hearts Court may be a little too pretty for me (would like to use containers that are a bit rougher?) but I love the setup.
- Flower garlands (photo by our labor of love, via once wed)! Love them!!
- LOVE this setup from Flush Designs. All of it. Invite, wax seal, flowers. Perhaps the container isn’t Spanish enough?
- Lantern/escort cards photo by Steven Steinhardt via Beth Helmstetter: I love dahlias and I think these vines help add to the garden feel. Not sure how to incorporate something like this into our venue though?
- The pattern of these invites by Wiley Valentine remind me of Spanish iron work. Would like to take this idea but make it a bit more rustic.
- I like the layout of this invite by Bella Figura and think I’d like to have something somewhere inbetween this and the one below.
- A common Spanish tile pattern that I put into our wedding palate. Right now I’m thinking: Envelope liners and invitation wrap as well as a napkin wrap (photo by me).
- Plate setting photo by Steven Steinhardt via Beth Helmstetter: Again, love the use of different elements. Also like the use of a lot of greens, pillar candles, succulents. Also like the table runner and bold color of the napkin wrap.
- Monogram: Our initials that my mom did. We had stickers made up with the design and want to use them somewhere…not sure where yet though (photo by my mom).
So next on my to do list is to work on invites with my mom and one of my bridesmaids. More on that soon!!
Time’s ticking! With less than 6 months to go, I am definitely behind all those checklists that every wedding site on the planet has. Anyone else behind on their wedding planning?