I may have mentioned, once or twice, how we initially planned to handwrite our invitations. How we had bought the cards and the envelopes and had a stamp designed with a peacock image to complete the look.
{Image from Author’s personal collection; design by Baby Jewels}
Well, I said last week that in the interest of sanity we had changed our minds. And now, Alex has sent through the proofs of the design for us to have a look at. And I am very pleased. While they are not what I would have in an ideal world with unlimited budgets and unlimited time to make decisions, I think they fulfill their purpose well. They still utilise the peacock image but they can be printed on a home printer rather than us having to write them out. Even though I love beautiful things and wanted our wedding filled with them, at some point one has to let go, let the small details go and realise that having our chosen guests there is far more important than whether or not the invitations were letterpressed.
Here is part of the detail:
{Image from Author’s personal collection; design by Alex}
I have no idea what the font he has chosen is called but I am rather pleased with it. It is easy to read but still has something of the handwritten calligraphy style to it.
Accompanying the invitations will be the RSVP cards (which we have finally agreed on wording but need to work out onto what we should print them – details in a later post) and a map:-
{Image from Author’s personal collection; design by Author}
We didn’t win the Laura Hooper map giveaway competition so I reverted to our old plan, which was to hand-draw a map and then scan it and add the place names and other details (including directing guests once again to the wedding website with the remaining information) in the matching font to the invitations.
This will then match the order of service which Alex has also designed for us, in matching font and with the same peacock image. And the stamp will find a use – we shall stamp each envelope to seal it and also use it to personalise our plain thank you cards and tie everything back into the same branding…