
We Had Our Cake and Ate It Too

Upon entering the atrium after dinner, my husband and I (tried to) cut our cake.  Since we were already serving a vast selection of decadent pastries, our cake was simple and sweet (and delicious, of course).  It was decorated with silver frosting and adorned with a small brass African (Dogon) couple statue that we bought near Timbuktu, Mali.  Not only did we buy the statue just days before my husband proposed to me in Africa, but the Dogon tribe of Mali assume similar responsibilities to both men and women, hence most of their depictions of couples are near symmetrical.  Using it as our cake-topper was therefore very apropos.

{all images by Missy Photography}

One thing that I recommend doing before your wedding is learning how to cut your cake.  When we were handed the knife, neither of us knew what to do, which tier to cut, and looked at each other blankly in front of 200 people, until our DOC whispered instructions in my ear. Despite this, we completely butchered the cake; clearly my husband didn’t marry me for my domestic abilities.

Although you can’t see it, as my husband was feeding me, I was giving him the look of death..Don’t.Even.Try :)

After delicately feeding one another our first bites, we proceeded to dance to our song, an Afro-Haitian tune that is very dear to us both, as we discussed it in depth on our first date. Our uber-talented and dedicated DJ, Mark Mikowski of EMM Entertainment, not only found this song to add to his repertoire, but also an obscure Polish song my dad chose for daddy-daughter dance, among many other foreign requests.

This was our signature move.  After rolling me in, I give my husband a little slap.

I kept my cathedral veil on through our first dance.  My alterations consultant insisted I do so and taught me how to roll it over my arm.  Nicole Kidman convinced me though.

Me and my hubby :)

Although I had a birdcage veil waiting for me to put on in the bridal suite, I either forgot or didn’t think it was necessary.   I was just having too much fun to distract myself by putting on another veil.  Right after we danced, I took it off and partied on the dance floor until 2 in the morning.

Did you have a creative cake-topper?   What was your song?